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Algae Magnet Cleaner

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Algae Magnet Cleaner
Water, light, and nutrients available in the aquarium facilitate many life forms even the undesired one at times. Algae is one such mostly unintended yet one of the commonest incidence in an aquarium. Brown, Green, Red/Brush, and Blue-Green are the strains of undesirable algae that usually occur in an aquarium. These algae may pose growth competition to the beneficial Coralline Algae, while also decreasing the visual appeal of the tank. It therefore, becomes necessary that these useless algal growths are eliminated from the aquarium, a process well realized through Algae Magnet Cleaners.
Algae Magnet Cleaners have magnetic Power Heads, which wipe off undesirable algal growth from the aquarium. Fresh Marine has a broad spectrum of Algae Magnet Cleaner. Let us have a broad look at them.
JBJ Digi Mag by JBJ Lighting. This device is Digital Thermometer cum Magnet Tank Cleaners. The integrated Thermometer has a precision level of +/- 1F and is equipped with a large LCD Display Screen. The Algae Magnet Cleaner employs auto-upright Magnets on both ends of the tool, any of which if detached by chance, sinks to the bottom of aquarium and stands erect automatically instead of falling on its sides. This way you are able to reconnect the magnet to the Algae Magnet Cleaner without wetting your hands. The user-friendly and easy to maintain wireless device has an innovative design and is completely fresh water and/or salt water submersible. The device comes with a replaceable battery. JBJ DIGI-MAG comes for aquariums with the capacity of 100Gallon and 60Gallon.
Hagen Marina Algae Magnet Cleaner by Hagen. Hagen Algae Magnet Cleaners can clean your Glass Tank from inside without requiring you to put your hands in the water. The Scrub Pads of the devices are non-abrasive and therefore, do not scratch the aquarium glass while cleaning. These Algae Magnet Cleaners can be used in fresh as well as salt water. Hagen Marina Algae Magnet Cleaners come in two ranges:Standard. Available in Small, Large, and Extra Large sizes, according to an aquarium’s requirement, the standard Hagen Marina Algae Magnet Cleaners are equipped externally with a potential magnet.
Deluxe. The excellent quality and high tech Hagen Marina Deluxe Algae Magnet Cleaners are ergonomically designed for deeper reach, even in the areas such as below the gravel line, behind heaters, around rocks, and decorations. These models, available in Small, Medium, Large, and X-Large sizes, employ powerful, corrosion-safe magnets to scrub off the algae from your Glass Tank, without altering its water quality. The internal Scrub Pads of the cleaners are large to enable you to have a fuller view while cleaning. Hagen Marina Deluxe Algae Magnet Cleaners have floating magnet receiver as well.
Mag Float Tank Cleaners by Mag Float. These Algae Magnet Cleaners employ powerful Rear Earth Neodymium Magnets that help remove the algal growth easily from your aquarium. To use, simply drag the Algae Magnet Cleaner’s Felt-Lined Handle on the outer surface of the aquarium walls, while the magnet on the Velcro Scrub Pad inside the aquarium will follow your outer rubbing pattern, thereby scraping off the algae from the tank’s inside without wetting your hands as well as not damaging the animal life, corals, and accessories. The Scrub Pad stays clear of abrasive sand and gravel. As a result, you get an efficient job done without scratching your aquarium’s walls. After use, the magnet floats on the surface of aquarium water for its easy removal. The Mag Float Algae Magnet Cleaners are made of non-toxic ABS Plastic, which is injection molded and therefore, you may always leave the device attached to your aquarium’s outer surface. Mag Float Tank Cleaners come for Glass and Acrylic Aquariums.Mag Float Acrylic Tank Cleaners. The models here include 30A, 130A, 360A, and 510A. The different numbers on the model reflect the varying capacity of aquariums they can manage.
Mag Float Glass Tank Cleaners. The models in this category are, 30, 125, 350, and 500, with different numbers depicting the optimal capacity of aquarium they can work best in.
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Water, light, and nutrients available in the aquarium facilitate many life forms even the undesired one at times. Algae is one such mostly unintended yet one of the commonest incidence in an aquarium. Brown, Green, Red/Brush, and Blue-Green are the strains of undesirable algae that usually occur in an aquarium. These algae may pose growth competition to the beneficial Coralline Algae, while also decreasing the visual appeal of the tank. It therefore, becomes necessary that these useless algal growths are eliminated from the aquarium, a process well realized through Algae Magnet Cleaners.
Algae Magnet Cleaners have magnetic Power Heads, which wipe off undesirable algal growth from the aquarium. Fresh Marine has a broad spectrum of Algae Magnet Cleaner. Let us have a broad look at them.
JBJ Digi Mag by JBJ Lighting. This device is Digital Thermometer cum Magnet Tank Cleaners. The integrated Thermometer has a precision level of +/- 1F and is equipped with a large LCD Display Screen. The Algae Magnet Cleaner employs auto-upright Magnets on both ends of the tool, any of which if detached by chance, sinks to the bottom of aquarium and stands erect automatically instead of falling on its sides. This way you are able to reconnect the magnet to the Algae Magnet Cleaner without wetting your hands. The user-friendly and easy to maintain wireless device has an innovative design and is completely fresh water and/or salt water submersible. The device comes with a replaceable battery. JBJ DIGI-MAG comes for aquariums with the capacity of 100Gallon and 60Gallon.
Hagen Marina Algae Magnet Cleaner by Hagen. Hagen Algae Magnet Cleaners can clean your Glass Tank from inside without requiring you to put your hands in the water. The Scrub Pads of the devices are non-abrasive and therefore, do not scratch the aquarium glass while cleaning. These Algae Magnet Cleaners can be used in fresh as well as salt water. Hagen Marina Algae Magnet Cleaners come in two ranges:
Mag Float Tank Cleaners by Mag Float. These Algae Magnet Cleaners employ powerful Rear Earth Neodymium Magnets that help remove the algal growth easily from your aquarium. To use, simply drag the Algae Magnet Cleaner’s Felt-Lined Handle on the outer surface of the aquarium walls, while the magnet on the Velcro Scrub Pad inside the aquarium will follow your outer rubbing pattern, thereby scraping off the algae from the tank’s inside without wetting your hands as well as not damaging the animal life, corals, and accessories. The Scrub Pad stays clear of abrasive sand and gravel. As a result, you get an efficient job done without scratching your aquarium’s walls. After use, the magnet floats on the surface of aquarium water for its easy removal. The Mag Float Algae Magnet Cleaners are made of non-toxic ABS Plastic, which is injection molded and therefore, you may always leave the device attached to your aquarium’s outer surface. Mag Float Tank Cleaners come for Glass and Acrylic Aquariums.
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