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Abalone - Haliotis species - Wild Abalone
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3 inches
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Taxonomy: Abalone – Wild Abalone belongs to the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Mollusca, Class Gastropoda, Family Haliotidae and Genus Haliotis.
Scientific names: The scientific name of Abalone – Wild Abalone is Haliotis species.
Other common names: Abalone – Wild Abalone is also commonly known as Ezo Abalone.
Origin or natural range: The Haliotis species originates from the South Pacific Sea including the Korean Peninsula and Australia.
Size: Abalone – Wild Abalone may grow up to an approximate size of three inches.
Compatibility: The Haliotis species is non-aggressive towards the other marine aquarium invertebrates.
Habit & Habitat:
- Abalone – Wild Abalone is a marine snail which is solitary in nature.
- Some species of Abalones – Wild Abalones inhabit cold-water and some live in tropical water regions and are therefore divided into cold water species and warm water species, respectively.
- The Haliotis species is non-poisonous in nature and is nocturnal in habit.
- Abalone – Wild Abalone is univalve mollusk, that is, it has one, ear shaped calcareous shell.
- The body of the Haliotis species is soft with head at its anterior end and foot at its posterior end.
- A mantle surrounds the body of Abalone – Wild Abalone. The mantle secretes the calcareous shell.
- The foot of the Haliotis species is large and muscular and is shaped like a lip which helps it fix itself on the reef or any other substrate by the means of vacuum.
- Abalone – Wild Abalone is unisexual.
- Abalone – Wild Abalone attains sexual maturity at an age of around three years.
- The Haliotis species spawns generally in the months of November to December and groups up when its time for it to breed.
- Gametes of both, male and female, strains are released in the water current, called broadcast spawning, where around one million released eggs and sperms fertilize.
- The fertilized eggs develop into microscopic larvae called Veligers. Due to predation by filter feeding marine invertebrates and competition for survival, only a few larvae eventually live.
- Veligers are mobile by the means of swimming fibers, called Cilia. The larvae undergo further development over the next one week till they settle down. The settled young ones of Abalone – Wild Abalone are called spat and they feed upon phytoplankton, basically micro-algae, present in substrate.
- After growing up to a size of around five millimeters, spat adopts nocturnal nature of adult Abalone – Wild Abalone and hides out during the day time in the crevices, coming out at night to feed.
- Temperature of water: Seventy-two to seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit.
- Specific gravity of water: 1.023 to 1.025.
- pH of water: 8.10 to 8.40.
- Habit & habitat: Slowly acclimate Abalone – Wild Abalone to your marine aquarium environment using the Slow Drip Method.
- Feeding & Nutrition: The Haliotis species is Herbivorous in feeding habit and eats algae, especially red algae and other phytoplankton.
- Benefits:
- Abalone – Wild Abalone is an algae eater and keeps your marine aquarium free of algae.
- When searching for its food, the Haliotis species ploughs the sand thereby aerating it well.
- The muscular foot of Abalone – Wild Abalone is globally enjoyed as food.
- The Haliotis species is moderately difficult to maintain.
- Copper and Nitrates in any form in your marine aquarium may prove lethal for Abalone – Wild Abalone.
- Fluctuating pH or temperature of your marine aquarium water may give pH shock or temperature shock to the Haliotis species therein.
- Crabs, Rock Lobsters, Starfish, Wobbegong Sharks, Octopus, Fish, Snails and Stingrays are the predators of Abalone – Wild Abalone. Therefore, do not keep Abalone with these marine invertebrates in the same tank.

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