Randal's Goby - Orange Stripe Prawn Goby - Amblyeleotris randalli

The Randall's Goby, also known as Orange Stripe Prawn Goby, was first discovered in the Western Pacific in 1978 by Hoese and Steene. The body is white with orange stripes, with one orange stripe over the eyes and around its entire head. The male may be identified by the fan-like dorsal fin that bears a dramatic eyespot.
The Randall's Goby have 7 dorsal spines; 12 dorsal soft rays, only one anal spine and 12 anal soft rays. There is distinctive ocellus on the rear base of the tall spinous dorsal fin.
It is possible for the Randall's Shrimp Goby to spawn successfully in an aquarium.
The diet of the Randall's Goby should consist of a variety of mysid shrimp, vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, and chopped table shrimp. It needs to be fed at least twice per day.
The Randall's Goby is probably the most spectacular member of this genus. It is white with orange bands and a distinct spot on its first dorsal fin. This fish is well suited for aquarium life. It is not aggressive, except possibly towards conspecifics or towards other bottom-dwelling fishes, except for those that try to enter their preferred hiding place. More than one Randall’s Goby can be kept in the same tank, as long as there is room for them to spread out on the bottom. Suitable hiding places should be provided to them and beware that the Randall's Goby may jump out of an open aquarium when startled. The Randall's Goby shares a burrow with one or more snapping. The mutualistic relationship between the Randall's Goby and alpheid shrimps that live together in the same burrow, has been known for many years.
The shrimp has poor eyesight. It builds and maintains the burrow while the Randall's Goby serves as a sentry at the burrow entrance. The shrimp spends much of the daylight hours "bulldozing" sand or rubble from the burrow. Each time it emerges from the burrow entrance, it rests one of its antennae on the body of the goby. If the Randall's Goby detects danger the posterior portion of its body quivers to alert the shrimp. The goby may also back into the burrow and block the shrimp's exit. If the threat escalates, the goby will dart straight into the burrow.
Minimum Tank Size Suggested: The Randall's Goby requires an aquarium of 30 gallons or larger in size. It may occasionally quarrel with conspecifics if kept together, or if the tank is too small. When first added to an aquarium it may not eat for several days, but will usually acclimate and begin eating. It is not aggressive towards other shrimp gobies and may even share a burrow with another species. The Randall's Goby make excellent reef compatibility. There minimum population doubling time is less than 15 months.
General Size Specifications: The Randall's Goby grow upto 4 inches in length. These fish generally will come to you at 2 to 3 inches. The Randall's Goby is a low maintenance fish
Tank Conditions: The high quality water with moderate temperature ranging from 72 to 78 degree Fahrenheit, pH value between 8.1 and 8.4 and sp. Gravity ranging from 1.020 to 1.025 is suitable for the Randall’s Goby.
Habitat: The Randall's Goby is distributed in the Western Pacific from Moluccas to the Solomon Islands, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to the northern Great Barrier Reef; Palau in Micronesia and Indonesia.
Feeding and Diet: The diet should consist of a variety of mysid shrimp, vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, and chopped table shrimp. It needs to be fed at least twice per day.

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