Rainford's Goby - Amblygobius rainfordi - Old Glory - Rainfordi's Goby

The Rainford's Goby, also referred to as the Court Jester Goby, or Old Glory, was first discovered in the Western Pacific in 1940 by Whitely. The body is green and blue with horizontal orange stripes running the entire length of the body.
The Rainford's Goby is easy to keep. Their best behaviour is exhibited when five or more are kept together. The Rainford Gobies sift sand to find the worms and small creatures that live in the sand. Occasionally people mention they eat algae in the sandbed but only on accident as they are sifting the small pieces of algae in the sand for copepods or spaghetti worms.
Unlike many gobies, the The Rainford's Goby spend most of their time hovering in the water column, not in repose on the substrate. The Rainford's Goby availability in the hobby corresponds with the increased popularity of reef aquariums. Although this fish will not harm sessile invertebrates, and is thus a suitable addition to the reef aquarium, it really does best if kept in a tank with filamentous algae.If the tank does not support an algal crop, it will often become emaciated.
With the exception of closely related species, the Rainford's Goby is rarely aggressively toward fish tankmates. If housed with larger forms, it is likely to be picked on if the tank is small. It may fight with the similarly-shaped Hector's goby (Amblygobius hectori).
The Juvenile Rainford's Gobies can be kept together in medium-sized tank if introduced together, but adults often quarrel. Therefore, it is best to keep one per tank.
The Rainford's Goby should be kept with peaceful species. Avoid housing it with fishes that are prone to picking on small, substrate-bound fishes, like dottybacks, hawkfishes and sand perches.
The Rainford's Goby is similar to several other species that occasionally make it into the aquarium trade. These are: the crosshatch goby (Amblygobius decussatus), Hector's goby (A. hectori), and the nocturn goby (A. nocturnus). The husbandry of these species is quite similar to that of the Rainford's Goby. The nocturn goby is more likely to dig burrows under rock work, while the crosshatch goby seems to be less dependent on algae to survive and may also be more likely to tolerate the presence of conspecifics.
Minimum Tank Size Suggested: The Rainford's Goby should be kept in a 30 gallon or larger aquarium that is well-established and has live rock and sand on which the fish can graze. It is best to keep only one of this species in an aquarium, unless the tank is large with an abundance of hiding places. It is rarely aggressive towards other species.
General Size Specifications: The Rainford's Goby grows up to 3 inches. These fish generally will come to you 1 - 2.5 inches.
Habitat: The Rainford,s Goby is found in Indo-Pacific Ocean and Western Pacific Ocean.
Feeding and Diet: It is possible for the Rainford's Goby to spawn successfully in an aquarium.
The diet should consist of small crustaceans, such as live and frozen brine shrimp, mysid shrimp, as well as filamentous algae. The diet should consist of small crustaceans, such as live and frozen brine shrimp, mysid shrimp, as well as filamentous algae.

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