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Rabbitfish are Omnivorous Marine Fish, belonging to the Order Perciformes. As the name specifies, they have a Rabbit like mouth and dark oversized Eyes. They are also consumed as food in many countries. Fresh Marine brings to you a wide variety of Rabbitfish. Prior to proceeding to them however, lets take a look at some common features of Rabbitfish.
Compatibility. Rabbitfish are Reef Compatible, Peaceful fish, which do well in Peaceful tanks. Though they easily adjust to their new surroundings and are not aggressive towards other add-on's, still its advisable to keep only one Rabbitfish per tank. If you have a tank of over 125 Gallons capacity, you may as well keep a pair or a small group of Rabbitfish in it.Habit & Habitat. Rabbitfish are generally found on shallow Lagoons, mainly in the Indo-Pacific Region. Some of the Rabbitfish live in groups, while the others solitarily live in with Corals. They are Diurnal in habit.
Morphology. Rabbitfish are beautiful, bright, and hardy fish. They have a peculiar nose like mouth. Rabbitfish can reach up to 9”-10” in length. Their Pelvic Fins are made of two Spines. Their Pelvic, Pectoral, and Dorsal Fins are poisonous.
Ideal Marine Aquarium Environment. Rabbitfish require the Specific Gravity of 1.020-1.025, the pH of 8.1-8.4, Salinity between 27ppt-31ppt, and the Temperature of 72-78°F. Rabbitfish need an aquarium of minimum 70 Gallons capacity with ample Caves, Rockwork, Overhangs, etc, for the Rabbitfish to easily swim and hide.
Aquarium Feeding. Rabbitfish feed on wild Grasses, Sponges, Algae, and other Phytoplankton. In captivity, Rabbitfish may also eat Mysis Shrimp, Worms, Brine Shrimp, and Lettuce.
Care. Rabbitfish are poisonous and therefore require moderate care and caution. Experts should handle them.
Some of the best selling Rabbitfish available at Fresh Marine are listed below. These fish belong to Siganidae Family.
The Fiji Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish (Lo uspae). Also known as Fiji Foxface, Bicolored Fox Face Rabbit Fish, and Foxface Lo, these fish grow up to 9” in size and require a 60Gallons tank. The front part of their body is streaked in dark Brown or Black and White, while sleeping or stressed. Otherwise, when active and normal, they are full of bright colors.Foxface Rabbitfish (Lo vulpinus). Also known as Badgerfish and Yellowfish, these poisonous fish can grow up to 10” and require a tank of minimum 55Gallons capacity. They are beautiful fish with bright Yellow color and a dark spot at the back, and White & Black on the head.
Metallic Foxface Rabbitfish (Lo magnifica). Also known as Metallic Fish and Silver Fox Face Rabbitfish, they can grow up to 10” in length and require a tank of minimum 55Gallons capacity. Its a bright Yellow colored very attractive fish.
Orange Spotted Foxface Rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus). Also known as, the Gold Spotted Spinefoot, Gold Spotted Fox face Fish, and Gold Spotted Rabbit Fish, these Rabbitfish are Brown in color with several Orange spots. Growing up to 10” in size, Rabbitfish require a tank of minimum 180Gallons capacity.
Scribbled Rabbitfish (Siganus doliatus). Also known as Doliatus Foxface Fish, Barred Spinefoot, Barred Rabbitfish, Pencil-streaked Rabbitfish, and Two Barred Rabbitfish, this Rabbitfish has Oblong Body with continuous Blue marks all over. The Back and the Tail of the fish are Yellow. Eyes are hidden by a Black Stripe. Growing up to 11”, these fish prefer tank size of around 100Gallons.
Yellow Foxface Rabbitfish (Siganus Corallinus). Also known as the Blue Spotted Fox Face Rabbit Fish, Blue Spotted Spinefoot, these fish have rounded body and are bright Yellow in color with Blue spots all over. Growing up to 10” in size, Rabbitfish require a tank of minimum 100Gallons capacity.
Golden Spotted Foxface Rabbitfish (Siganus chrysospilos). Also known as Gold Spotted Spinefoot and Gold Spotted Fox face Rabbit Fish, these Rabbitfish are Brown in color with several Golden spots. They are generally 12”-14” in length and require a tank of minimum 180Gallons capacity.
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Rabbitfish are Omnivorous Marine Fish, belonging to the Order Perciformes. As the name specifies, they have a Rabbit like mouth and dark oversized Eyes. They are also consumed as food in many countries. Fresh Marine brings to you a wide variety of Rabbitfish. Prior to proceeding to them however, lets take a look at some common features of Rabbitfish.
Compatibility. Rabbitfish are Reef Compatible, Peaceful fish, which do well in Peaceful tanks. Though they easily adjust to their new surroundings and are not aggressive towards other add-on's, still its advisable to keep only one Rabbitfish per tank. If you have a tank of over 125 Gallons capacity, you may as well keep a pair or a small group of Rabbitfish in it.
Some of the best selling Rabbitfish available at Fresh Marine are listed below. These fish belong to Siganidae Family.
The Fiji Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish (Lo uspae). Also known as Fiji Foxface, Bicolored Fox Face Rabbit Fish, and Foxface Lo, these fish grow up to 9” in size and require a 60Gallons tank. The front part of their body is streaked in dark Brown or Black and White, while sleeping or stressed. Otherwise, when active and normal, they are full of bright colors.
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