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Pipefish belong to the Family Syngnathidae. They have a sleek, pipe or snake like body and therefore the name. Fresh Marine brings to you some of the best Pipefish species. Prior to proceeding to them however, let us look at some of the common features of Parrotfish.
Compatibility. Pipefish are Peaceful and are Reef Compatible, but are difficult to maintain in captivity. Aggressive Fish such as, Wrasses, Tobies, Triggerfish, Porcupine Fish, and the Invertebrates with Tentacles such as, Corals & Anemones may attack them. They are better kept segregated with Ornamental invertebrates such as, Corals, Gorgonians, and Algae.Habit & Habitat. Pipefish are found at the bottom of the sea, Coral Reefs, Sandy Lagoons, Sea grass Beds, or on Coasts, in pairs, in the Tropical & Temperate Indo-pacific region. These fish swim upside down. They often camouflage with their surroundings.
Morphology. Pipefish are hardy & have a sleek, Eel like body, covered with Bony Plates, and an Oval shaped Tail. They resemble Seahorses facially and have a small, Snout like, toothless mouth. Pipefish move around with the help of Dorsal Fin, while the other Fins are absent or minimally developed. They are usually 6-8 inches long.
Ideal Marine Aquarium Environment. Pipefish require a Specific Gravity of 1.020-1.025, a pH of 8.1-8.4, and a Temperature of 72-78°F. Keep ample hiding places such as, Caves & Rocks in your aquarium for the Pipefish to hide. In addition, Aquatic Plants should be kept in the tank to impart a feel of natural habitat to these fish. Place a lot of Live Rocks and Live Sands for the Pipefish to feed from. The water current in the tank should be low.
Aquarium Feeding. Pipefish are Carnivorous in their feeding habit and eat Brine Shrimp, Mysid Shrimp, Baby Guppies, Grass Shrimp, Mosquito Larva, and Daphnia.
Aquarium Breeding. Pipefish can breed in captivity. They are Pouch Breeders. Males carry the eggs in their Pouch, which is located under their Tail.
Care. Usually Expert Aquarists should handle Pipefish, as they are difficult to maintain.
Now, lets look at the Pipefish options available at Fresh Marine. The specimen belong to the Family.
Banded Pipefish (Doryrhamphus dactyliophorus). Also known as Pipefish and Ringed Pipefish, this Pipefish has a Greenish Yellow Body with Black Rings all over its body. The Tail has a combination of Red & White stripes with a White spot in the middle of it. Growing up to 8” in length, Pipefish requires a tank of minimum 50 Gallons capacity.
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Pipefish belong to the Family Syngnathidae. They have a sleek, pipe or snake like body and therefore the name. Fresh Marine brings to you some of the best Pipefish species. Prior to proceeding to them however, let us look at some of the common features of Parrotfish.
Compatibility. Pipefish are Peaceful and are Reef Compatible, but are difficult to maintain in captivity. Aggressive Fish such as, Wrasses, Tobies, Triggerfish, Porcupine Fish, and the Invertebrates with Tentacles such as, Corals & Anemones may attack them. They are better kept segregated with Ornamental invertebrates such as, Corals, Gorgonians, and Algae.
Now, lets look at the Pipefish options available at Fresh Marine. The specimen belong to the Family.
Banded Pipefish (Doryrhamphus dactyliophorus). Also known as Pipefish and Ringed Pipefish, this Pipefish has a Greenish Yellow Body with Black Rings all over its body. The Tail has a combination of Red & White stripes with a White spot in the middle of it. Growing up to 8” in length, Pipefish requires a tank of minimum 50 Gallons capacity.
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