Majestic Angelfish - Euxiphipops navarchus, Pomacanthus navarchus - Bluegirdled Angel Fish

Medium 2" - 3"
Large 4" - 5"
X-Large 5" - 6"

Majestic Angelfish - Euxiphipops navarchus:
The large Majestic Angel is not an easy fish to keep, but for advanced aquaculturalists, the achievement of maintaining this exquisitely beautiful fish can be extremely rewarding.
Majestic Angelfish spend most of their time alone in the wild, and may not do well with other fish in captivity, due to their strong territorial behavior. They may show aggression toward other fish, particularly Angels, and may also nip at the mantles of triacnid clams, or coral polyps in their enclosures. They are not considered reef safe. In the wild, Majestic Angels graze on corals, sponges, and small organisms. They also eat small amounts of algae. Some Majestic Angels are difficult to get to feed in captivity, and may be started on mysid shrimp, brine shrimp, or daphnia until they will eat readily, when more protein items can be incorporated into their diets. Many Majestic Angels will accept food from your hand once they have become accustomed to this practice.
A mature Majestic Angel can measure seven to ten inches (18 to 25.5 centimeters). These fish have rather striking coloration, with a well-defined bright blue section girdling their heads and the frontal areas of their bodies. This coloration extends along the bottom of the fish, over its ventral and anal fins. These fins have light blue edges. The lower part of the head is yellow, separated from the bright blue coloring with a clear light blue line. This light blue line demarcates the other edge of the blue section as well, separating it from the yellow body decorated with blue spots. The dorsal fin is yellow, and the overall effect is of a yellow saddle over the back of the Majestic Angel.
Found throughout the Indo-Australian archipelago, Majestic Angelfish are most common in New Guinea and the Great Barrier Reef. They are commonly found 10 to 100 feet (3 to 30 meters) below the water in areas of heavy coral growth. Lagoons and drop-off areas are frequently inhabited. Majestic Angels in the pet trade are commonly collected from the Indian Ocean.
Recommended Tank Size: The Majestic Anglefish requires a 100 gallon or larger tank with live rock for grazing and hiding.
Origin: Indian and Pacific Oceans
Specific Care Information: A single small Majestic Angel should have an aquarium of at least 60 gallons in volume. Temperatures for Majestic Angels should remain between 75 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit (24 to 26 degrees Celsius). A pH value of 8.3 to 8.4 is recommended, with a specific gravity between 1.020 and 1.025. If Majestic Angels are kept in tanks with invertebrates, the salinity levels should remain above 1.022 to accommodate these inhabitants. Plenty of open space for swimming should be provided, along with plenty of hiding places. Although Majestic Angelfish may be kept in aquariums with other animals, some show tendencies to nip at clam mantles and hard and soft corals. They may be rather aggressive toward other fish and will not tolerate conspecifics or fish of similar size and color. Majestic Angels should be fed a varied diet. Often, squid, shrimp, mussel pieces, and spinach can work well. Picky eaters can sometimes be tempted with mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, or daphnia.
Diet: Feed a varied diet consisting of large chunks of meaty foods. These foods include krill, raw table shrimp, squid, clam and mussel. It is also a good idea to occasionally supplement with some type of herbivore diet containing spirulina and supplement with a sponge fortified formula specifically for Angelfish.
Breeding and Propagation: Majestic Angelfish are very difficult to breed in captivity.

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