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Gorgonia are one of the most popular types of Hard Corals for Reef Type Marine Aquariums. Belonging to the Class Anthozoa, Gorgonia exist in colonies and have distinguishing horny and branched Axial Skeleton. Their unique body structure and vibrant colors add immense visual appeal to an aquarium. Fresh Marine, one of the best online markets for aquarium products, offers several interesting types of Gorgonia. However, prior to moving on to them, let us have a fundamental idea about the key features of Gorgonia.
Compatibility. Gorgonia are Peaceful to Semi-aggressive in nature and do well with the other peaceful marine invertebrates.Habit & Habitat. Gorgonia exist in the shallow waters of Tropical Seas & Oceans in all parts of the world, and inhabit Coral Reefs and Lagoons.
Morphology. Gorgonia are moderately hardy creatures, which are extremely beautiful. As mentioned above, Gorgonia have horny and branched Axial Skeleton made of Calcite and a hard Protein, Gorgonin. The branches of Gorgonia are flat, resembling a blade and have small Polyps on them. The branches of Gorgonia have a soft outer covering of a tissue called Coenenchyme.
Ideal Marine Aquarium Environment. Gorgonia grow well in an already established, nutrients rich Reef Aquarium with a temperature range of 72-78°F; Specific Gravity of 1.020-1.025; and pH level of water within 8.1-8.4. The aquarium water should be clean, be treated well with Chemical Filters, and should be changed regularly. Gorgonia require strong light and water current. Keep Gorgonia away from other Corals and Anemones in the tank.
Aquarium Feeding. Gorgonia are Carnivorous and feed upon Plankton. The primary source of nutrition however, is the food manufactured by Zooxanthellae, the Acellular Photosynthetic Alga living inside Coral Polyps. Keep replenishing Calcium, Iodine, and the other Trace Elements in the aquarium water, along with the other nutrients.
Aquarium Breeding. Gorgonia can breed asexually in an aquarium through Fission.
Care. Gorgonia are moderately difficult to maintain and can be handled by even a slightly experienced Reef Aquarist. Gorgonia must not be exposed into air. In addition, Gorgonia is quite vulnerable to the algal and Cyanobacteria growth on its body, which may damage the tissues.
Now let us browse through the different type of Gorgonia available on Fresh Marine.
Green Lace Gorgonia (Gorgonia species). Also known as Sea Rod, Sea Whip, Sea Blade, Green Sea Blade, Green Sea Whip, and Yellow Sea Blade, this Gorgonia occurs in Green, Brown, Tan, Gold, Orange, Purple, Red, and Khaki colors.
Purple / Yellow Brush Gorgonia (Gorgonia species). Also known as Sea Rod, Sea Whip, Sea Blade, Feather Gorgonian, Purple Bush, Rough Sea Plume, Gorgonia, Sea Rod, and Lamarck’s Gorgonian, this Gorgonia occurs in Tan, Gray, Yellow, Brown, Purple, and Lavender colors. Purple Brush Gorgonia has a branched and tall structure, with its colony resembling a feather. This Gorgonia is Nocturnal in nature and therefore, opens fully at night.
Purple Ribbon Gorgonia (Gorgonia species). Also known as Sea Rod, Sea Whip, Sea Blade, Purple Gorgonia, Purple Sea Rod, Purple Sea Blade, and Purple Sea Whip, Purple Ribbon Gorgonia occurs in Purple, Orange, Lavender, Olive, Yellow, Tan, Brown, and Gray colors. The Brown colored Polyps are arranged along the edges of Purple Ribbon Gorgonia.
Red / Yellow Finger Gorgonia (Gorgonia species). Also known as Sea Rod, Sea Whip, Sea Blade, Red Gorgonia, Red Tree Gorgonian, Red Sea Whip, Red Sea Rod, Red Sea Blade, and Colorful Sea Rod, this Gorgonia measures 3”-8” and occurs in Red, Yellow, Purple, and Orange colors. Red Finger Gorgonia has deep Red color and White, Yellow, and Red frilly, large sized Polyps and a brittle branched body. Finger Gorgonia requires low illumination.
Sea Stalk Gorgonia (Gorgonia species). Also known as Sea Rod, Sea Whip, and Sea Blade, each colony of this Gorgonia resembles a Sea Anemone and has a long Stalk. Don’t keep Sea Stalk Gorgonia, Butterfly Fish, and Flamingo Tongue Snails of Cyphoma species in the same marine aquarium. The Snail feeds upon the Sea Stalk Gorgonia.
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Gorgonia are one of the most popular types of Hard Corals for Reef Type Marine Aquariums. Belonging to the Class Anthozoa, Gorgonia exist in colonies and have distinguishing horny and branched Axial Skeleton. Their unique body structure and vibrant colors add immense visual appeal to an aquarium. Fresh Marine, one of the best online markets for aquarium products, offers several interesting types of Gorgonia. However, prior to moving on to them, let us have a fundamental idea about the key features of Gorgonia.
Compatibility. Gorgonia are Peaceful to Semi-aggressive in nature and do well with the other peaceful marine invertebrates.
Now let us browse through the different type of Gorgonia available on Fresh Marine.
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