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Frogfish and Anglers

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Frogfish and Anglers
Frogfish and Anglers are one of the most popular, reef compatible fish for Marine Aquariums. Belonging to the Family Antennariidae, Frogfish and Anglers are a fascinating addition to a tank. Fresh Marine, one of the best online markets for aquarium products, offers several interesting species of Frogfish and Anglers. However, prior to moving on to them, let us have a fundamental idea about the basic features of Frogfish and Anglers.
Compatibility. Frogfish and Anglers are semi-aggressive towards the other tank mates. Do not keep Frogfish and Anglers with Triggerfish and Wrasses, as they may injure your Anglers. Some species of Frogfish and Anglers may be aggressive towards each other. In that case, it is better to keep a single Frogfish and Angler in an aquarium or its one mating pair.Habit & Habitat. Frogfish and Anglers exist in the Indo-Pacific region, and owing to their sedentary nature, inhabit Coral Reefs, Lagoons, Reef Slopes, Drop Offs, Rocky Areas, and Rubble Areas. Frogfish and Anglers keep hiding among Corals, Sponges, & even Sea Bed, and then showing up. They make interesting sitting postures with spread toes.
Morphology. Frogfish and Anglers are moderately hardy creatures, which have a lumpy structure and hairy body surface. They have a typical Dorsal Spine, which helps Frogfish and Anglers get their Prey. Frogfish and Anglers can change their body color to blend with their environment. Frogfish and Anglers usually attain a size of up to 3”.
Ideal Marine Aquarium Environment. Frogfish and Anglers grow well in an aquarium of minimum 30 Gallons capacity, with a temperature range of 72-78°F; the Specific Gravity of 1.020-1.025; and the pH level of water within 8.1-8.4. Ensure that your tank has ample swimming area and hiding places such as, Live Rocks & Caves, for Frogfish and Anglers.
Aquarium Feeding. Frogfish and Anglers are Predatory in nature and feed upon high quality protein based foods, such as, Feeder Shrimp, Fish, Ornamental Shrimp, Crustacean, and Krill to name some. Owing to their low Metabolism rate, feeding these Frogfish and Anglers once or twice a week is fine.
Aquarium Breeding. Frogfish and Anglers reproduce sexually.
Care. Frogfish and Anglers are moderately difficult to maintain and require an expert’s care. Beginners should refrain from keeping them.
Let us now look at some of the best selling Anthias options available at Fresh Marine in Small, Medium, and Large sizes.
Assorted Angler (Antennarius species). Also known as Frogfish and Assorted Frog Fish, Assorted Anglers come in Tan, Gray, and Brown colors. These Frogfish and Anglers grow up to a size of 4”. These fish have a large, broad, and flat head. The head has three extended Dorsal Fin Spines.
Colored Angler (Antennarius species). Also known as Frogfish and Colored Frog Fish, Colored Angler comes in Tan, Gray, and Brown colors. Frogfish and Anglers grow up to a size of 5”.
Sargassum Fish (Histrio histrio). Also known as, Sargassum Frogfish, these Frogfish and Anglers have a spotted Brown, Pale Cream, Green, and Tan colored body with numerous projections giving it an appearance of a rock. Sargassum Fish has a smooth skin surface. The Dorsal Fin is segmented in four parts, Illicium & Esca, two Spines, and a Soft Rayed region. These Frogfish and Anglers grow up to a size of 8”.
Wartskin Frogfish / Angler (Antennarius maculates). Also known as Wartskin Frog Fish, Warty Frogfish, and Wartskin Angler, resembles a rock or a Coral in appearance. These Frogfish and Anglers come in Brown, Red, Yellow, Purple, and White colors and Anglers grow up to a size of 6”.
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Frogfish and Anglers are one of the most popular, reef compatible fish for Marine Aquariums. Belonging to the Family Antennariidae, Frogfish and Anglers are a fascinating addition to a tank. Fresh Marine, one of the best online markets for aquarium products, offers several interesting species of Frogfish and Anglers. However, prior to moving on to them, let us have a fundamental idea about the basic features of Frogfish and Anglers.
Compatibility. Frogfish and Anglers are semi-aggressive towards the other tank mates. Do not keep Frogfish and Anglers with Triggerfish and Wrasses, as they may injure your Anglers. Some species of Frogfish and Anglers may be aggressive towards each other. In that case, it is better to keep a single Frogfish and Angler in an aquarium or its one mating pair.
Let us now look at some of the best selling Anthias options available at Fresh Marine in Small, Medium, and Large sizes.
Assorted Angler (Antennarius species). Also known as Frogfish and Assorted Frog Fish, Assorted Anglers come in Tan, Gray, and Brown colors. These Frogfish and Anglers grow up to a size of 4”. These fish have a large, broad, and flat head. The head has three extended Dorsal Fin Spines.
Colored Angler (Antennarius species). Also known as Frogfish and Colored Frog Fish, Colored Angler comes in Tan, Gray, and Brown colors. Frogfish and Anglers grow up to a size of 5”.
Sargassum Fish (Histrio histrio). Also known as, Sargassum Frogfish, these Frogfish and Anglers have a spotted Brown, Pale Cream, Green, and Tan colored body with numerous projections giving it an appearance of a rock. Sargassum Fish has a smooth skin surface. The Dorsal Fin is segmented in four parts, Illicium & Esca, two Spines, and a Soft Rayed region. These Frogfish and Anglers grow up to a size of 8”.
Wartskin Frogfish / Angler (Antennarius maculates). Also known as Wartskin Frog Fish, Warty Frogfish, and Wartskin Angler, resembles a rock or a Coral in appearance. These Frogfish and Anglers come in Brown, Red, Yellow, Purple, and White colors and Anglers grow up to a size of 6”.
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