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The most popular pick among marine fishes, Eels belong to the Order Anguilliformes. Owing to their beautiful and vibrantly hued body pattern, Eels are quite preferred choice among aquarists. Fresh Marine offers several interesting varieties of Eels to grace your aquarium. However, prior to delving into specific models, let us understand the following standards common to Eels.
Compatibility. Eels are Peaceful to Semi Aggressive in disposition and are not Reef compatible.Habit & Habitat. Eels exist mainly in the Indo-Pacific Region and inhabit Shallow Waters, the bottom of the Oceans, in Holes or Crevices called Eel Pits, while some may elect to be just Swimmers.
Morphology. Eels have slender & thin, yet strong body, which looks quite graceful. Eels are very hardy creatures and their high Dorsal Fin continues till end along with the Caudal and the Anal Fins. Eels may be Scale less or may have very small Scales. Owing to Yellow colored Slime Coat on the Blue colored body, Eels appear Greenish in color. Eels are equipped with sharp Teeth. The Eels have a big Mouth and strong Jaws inflicting powerful bites.
Ideal Marine Aquarium Environment. Eels grow well in a well-established, tight lid aquarium with a temperature range of 72-78ฐF; Specific Gravity of 1.020-1.025; and pH level of water within 8.1-8.4. Ensure that your tank is dimly lit and has ample hiding places (Rocks, Caves, Rubble, & Sand) for Eels. The water of the aquarium must be changed very regularly and the Filter should be very efficient. Do not keep Eels with Crustaceans as the former actively feeds upon the later.
Aquarium Feeding. Eels are Nocturnal Predators and kill Live Feeder Fish, especially Shrimp, Silversides, Krill, Clam, Prawns, and other Crustaceans to eat. They may need to be trained to consume pieces of fish.
Aquarium Breeding. Aquarium Breeding of Eels is difficult. With age, Male Eels transform to Females, while changing the body color from Blue to Yellow. The Eels Larva, called Leptocephalus, is transparent and flat in shape. The young Eels are called Elver.
Care. Anybody from a Fresher to an Expert can easily maintain Eels.
Now, let us explore the Eels options offered by Fresh Marine.
Family Muraenidae.Blue / Black Ribbon Eel (Rhinomuraena quaesita). Also known as Ghost Ribbon Eel, these Eels have a Blue / Black colored Body and Yellow Fins. The Young ones of Ribbon Eels have Black body, while the Females have Yellow body with a Black Anal Fin. The Anterior Nostrils of these Eels are flared. Apart from Blue color, male Ribbon Eels can occur in Blue-Green, and striking Yellow colors. Measuring about 8-12 in length, these Eels require an aquarium of minimum 60 Gallons capacity.
Snowflake Eel (Echidna nebulosa). Also known as Snowflake Moray Eel, these Eels are Black in color with White spots. Growing up to a maximum of 30, these Eels require a tank of minimum 50 Gallons capacity.
Zebra Moray Eel (Gymnomuraena zebra). Also known as Carpet Eel Blenny, Eared Eel Blenny, and Green Wolf Eel, these Eels have Zebra type pattern on their body and are Reef Safe. Growing up to a maximum of 55, these tanks require a tank of minimum 60 Gallons tank size.
Family Congrogadidae.Wolf Eel (Congrogadus subducens). Also known as Carpet Eel Blenny, Eared Eel Blenny, and Green Wolf Eel, these Eels have spotted Green and Brown colored body. Growing up to a maximum of around 18 long, these Eels require an aquarium of minimum 50 Gallons capacity. Wolf Eels are aggressive eaters and as a result, produce a lot of waste in aquarium.
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The most popular pick among marine fishes, Eels belong to the Order Anguilliformes. Owing to their beautiful and vibrantly hued body pattern, Eels are quite preferred choice among aquarists. Fresh Marine offers several interesting varieties of Eels to grace your aquarium. However, prior to delving into specific models, let us understand the following standards common to Eels.
Compatibility. Eels are Peaceful to Semi Aggressive in disposition and are not Reef compatible.
Now, let us explore the Eels options offered by Fresh Marine.
Family Muraenidae.
Family Congrogadidae.
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