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Hailing from the Family Pomacentridae, Damsels are another popular category of fish aquarists prefer for their reef tanks. Fresh Marine brings to you a wide collection of some very interesting species of Damsels. Prior to skimming through the available varieties, lets look into some fundamental features of Damsels.
Compatibility. Damsels are Aggressive towards the other tank mates. Owing to the territorial disposition in some species, they may be aggressive towards their own types.Habit & Habitat. Damsels exist in the Tropical Waters of Seas & Oceans, on Coral Reefs, in the Indo-Pacific region and Atlantic Oceans. They exist in small groups or pair when young, to eventually settle down independently. Damsels are biological stabilizers and are often employed to set up a new aquarium or cycle.
Morphology. Damsels measure as much as over 14 in wilds, while captivity allows them to grow up to 2-3 only. Damsels are hardy creatures. Nostrils are found on each side of the short sized head and the tail is usually forked.
Ideal Marine Aquarium Environment. Damsels grow well in an aquarium with a temperature range of 72-78°F; the Specific Gravity of 1.020-1.025; and the pH level of water within 8.1-8.4. A minimum of 30 Gallons capacity tank is required per Damsels. To host Damsels, you should have a Reef type Marine Aquarium with ample Live Rocks, Corals, & Caves for hiding.
Aquarium Feeding. Damsels are Omnivorous and feed upon Plankton, Worms, other Crustaceans, Sea Weeds, and Algae.
Aquarium Breeding. Damsels have no morphological differences between the two genders and can breed successfully in captivity. The male Damsels look after the eggs post spawning.
Care. Damsels are easy to maintain and therefore, even the beginners can opt for it.
Genus Dascyllus.2-Stripe Damsel Fish (Dascyllus reticulates). Also known as Reticulate Dascyllus and Reticulated Damselfish, these Damsels have two dark bands encircling their shining Silver-Green body in the anterior half and similarly in the posterior half in front of the Bluish-Green colored Tail. Damsels grow up to 3.1 in length.
3-Spot Domino Damsel Fish (Dascyllus trimaculatus). Also known as Domino Damselfish, Threespot Dascyllus, and Domino Damselfish, these Damsels have three White spots on their Black body when young, which fade with age. Measuring 5.5, these Damsels require a minimum of 55 Gallons tank size.
3-Stripe Damsel Fish (Dascyllus aruanus). Also known as 3-Striped Humbug Damselfish, White-tailed Damselfish, and Humbug Dascyllus, these Damsels sport three bold Black Bands separated by two White bands with a smaller bar of White to offset the Tail. Young Damsels share a Comensal relationship with Anemones, which they switch to Corals after maturing. Growing up to 3.1, Damsels require a minimum of 30 Gallons tank.
4-Stripe Damsel Fish (Dascyllus melanurus). Also known as Blacktail Dascyllus Damselfish, these Damsels have three White and four Black vertical bars, along the length of the fish, with a small White Spot just above the Lip of the fish. Growing usually up to 3.1, these Damsels require a minimum of 20 Gallons tank per specimen.
Genus Chrysiptera.Blue Devil Damsel Fish (Chrysiptera cyanea). Also known as Electric Blue Damselfish, these Damsels are Blue colored small marine fish with an Orange colored tail. Mostly the females gain a Black Spot at the base of the hindmost Dorsal Ray. Growing up to 2.4 inches, these Damsels require a minimum tank size of 10 Gallons.
Orangetail Blue Devil Damsel Fish (Chrysiptera cyanea). Also known as Orange Tail Damselfish, Orange Tail Blue Damsel Fish, Sapphire Devil Fish, and Blue Damsel Fish, these Damsels are brilliantly colored with range initiating from bright Blue to a deeper Cyan color. The Tails & Fins of Damsels are Yellowish orange in color. Growing up to 3.1, these Damsels require a minimum tank size of 30 Gallons.
South Seas Devil Damsel Fish (Chrysiptera taupou). Also known as Blue Fiji Devil, Fiji Blue Devil Damselfish, and Village Belle, these Damsels are Blue in color with a Yellow colored Belly. Growing up to 3 in length, these Damsels require a minimum tank size of 30 Gallons.
Talbot's Damsel Fish (Chrysiptera talboti). Also known as Talbot's Demoiselle Damselfish, these Damsels have Yellow colored anterior end and Grayish or White colored posterior end. One of the Fins has one Black spot. Growing up to 3 in length, these Damsels require a minimum of 20 Gallons Tank size.
Yellowtail Damsel Fish (Chrysiptera parasema). Also known as Yellow Tail Damselfish, Yellowtail Blue Damselfish, Yellowtail Demoiselle, and Goldtail Demoiselle, these Damsels are striking Blue in color with Yellow colored Pectoral and Anal Fins. Growing up to 3, these Damsels require a minimum of 100 Gallons tank size.
Genus Neoglyphidodon.Bluefin Damsel Fish (Neoglyphidodon melas). Also known as Bow-tie Damsel, Yellow-backed Damsel, Royal Damselfish and Zulu Damsel, these Damsels have a White colored body marked with dark stripes near the Gills, resembling a Bow Tie. These Damsels get their name from their Blue Pectoral and Anal Fins. Growing up to 6.3, these Damsels require a minimum of 55 Gallons tank size.
Genus Pomacentrus.Blue & Gold Damsel Fish (Pomacentrus coelestis). Also known as Electric Blue and Neon Damselfish, these Damsels have dual toned body with anterior end being Electric Blue in color, while the posterior one being Yellow. These Damsels sport a long-based spiny Dorsal Fin, followed by a high, short-based, soft-rayed portion. Growing up to 4, these Damsels require a minimum tank size of 55 Gallons.
Genus Chromis.Blue Reef Chromis Damsel Fish (Chromis cyaneus). Also known as Blue Chromis Damselfish, Blue Chromis, these Damsels are striking Blue in color with a Black outline along the bottom of the Dorsal Fin and around the Caudal Fin. The Blue Reef Chromis Damselfish is Peaceful in disposition. Growing up to 5, these Damsels require a minimum tank size of 30 Gallons. These Damsels are difficult to maintain and require an experts handling.
Green Chromis Damsel Fish (Chromis viridis). Also known as Green Chromis Damselfish, these Damsels are Iridescent Green in color, with a Black Spot at the base of Pectoral Fins. Growing up to a maximum of 4, these Damsels require a minimum tank size of 55 Gallons.
Genus Paraglyphidodon.Blue Velvet Damsel Fish (Paraglyphidodon oxyodon). Also known as Neon Velvet Damselfish, Javanese Damselfish, and the Blue-Streak Devil, these Damsels are Black in color with small Blue stripes and one, large White vertical stripe. Growing up to a maximum of 5.9, these Damsels require a minimum tank size of 30 Gallons.
Genus Microspathodon.Jewel Damsel (Microspathodon chrysurus). Also known as Bluespot Damselfish and Jewelfish, these Damsels are Black in color with sparkling Blue dots. Growing up to 6 in length, these Damsels require a minimum tank size of 50 Gallons.
Genus Pomacentrus.Neon Damsel Fish (Pomacentrus alleni). Also known as Allen's Damselfish and Allen's Pomacentrus, these Damsels have a slender, Neon Blue colored body with a Yellowish shade near the bottom stretching down to the Anal Fin. The lower edges of their tails have Black streaks. Growing up to 2.4, these Damsels require a minimum tank size of 55 Gallons.
Genus Abudefduf.Sergeant Major Damsel Fish (Abudefduf saxatilis). Also known as Striped Sergeant Damselfish, Damsel Fish, Five Finger, Pilotfish, and Sergeant Major, these Damsels have five Black stripes over their bodies. The anterior end of Damsels laterally compressed body is Yellow in color with Blue streaks. The posterior end of the body is Whitish-Gray in color. Pectoral Fins have dark spots, one at the base of each Fin. 5 Black vertical stripes run along the body height. Growing up to a length of 6-7, these Damsels require a minimum tank size of 55 Gallons.
Genus Amblyglyphidodon.Yellow Damsel Fish (Amblyglyphidodon aureus). Also known as Lemon Damsel, Lemonpeel Damsel, Golden Damselfish, these Damsels are Lemon Yellow colored with Neon Blue colored stripes running along the body length. The face, eyes, and mouth are also spotted in Blue or Purple. Growing up to 3, these Damsels require a minimum tank size of 30 Gallons.
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Hailing from the Family Pomacentridae, Damsels are another popular category of fish aquarists prefer for their reef tanks. Fresh Marine brings to you a wide collection of some very interesting species of Damsels. Prior to skimming through the available varieties, lets look into some fundamental features of Damsels.
Compatibility. Damsels are Aggressive towards the other tank mates. Owing to the territorial disposition in some species, they may be aggressive towards their own types.
Genus Dascyllus.
Genus Chrysiptera.
Genus Neoglyphidodon.
Genus Pomacentrus.
Genus Chromis.
Genus Paraglyphidodon.
Genus Microspathodon.
Genus Pomacentrus.
Genus Abudefduf.
Genus Amblyglyphidodon.
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