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Cat Litter Box

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Cat Litter Box
A Litter Box, often known as "Litter Tray" or "Litter Pan", is an indoor feces and urine disposal box for cats, dogs, rabbits, and the other pets that are allowed to roam freely at home but do not or cannot go out of the house at all times to relieve themselves. Such animals, with the help of their natural instincts and some toilet training, can be made to use Litter Box. One of the commonest series of the range is Cat Litter Box.
In the wild, cats usually excrete in soft mud or sand, and dig & use the same to bury their feces. To replicate such an environment, a Cat Litter Box is lined with the different kinds of materials known as Cat Litter. The Cat Litter helps in absorbing moisture from the cat feces & urine, thereby reducing foul odors. Cat Litter is usually a loose, grainy substance, which can clump well. These days, pellets made from Recycled Paper or Pine Shaving, and Silicon based crystals are also much in use. However, the good old clumping litter still makes the best cat litter as it absorbs both, feces and urine, well and is soft enough for a cat to dig in.
There are certain things, which you should keep in mind, while setting up a Cat Litter Box. The ensuing discussion takes them up.
Location. A Cat Litter Box should be conveniently located to give some privacy to your cat, while being easy for it to spot.
Cat Litter. Cats generally seem to prefer fine-grained litter, as it is easy to dig in. Therefore, clumping litter, which has fine grains, makes an appropriate option for your Cat Litter Box. It is advisable not to use scented litter or any form of deodorants in a Cat Litter Box.
Number and Size of Boxes. The more, the merrier. This goes well in the case of Cat Litter Boxes. The number of Cat Litter Boxes should at least be equal to the number of cats in your house. It is also very important to get the Cat Litter Box of the right size. A cat would avoid a litter box that is not big enough for it and causes it discomfort.
Cleanliness. Cats are quite clean creatures and their Olfactory Senses are anytime better than those of human beings are. You may often find your pet not using the Cat Litter Box due to it being unclean or foul smelling. Therefore, keep the Cat Litter Box clean, and odor free. Avoid using strong smelling chemicals for cleaning your Cat Litter Box, as they may be toxic in nature or the cat may not like their smell. No perfumes or any other scents should be added to keep the Cat Litter Box odor free. The only way to check the foul smell is to clean it.
Type of Box. If you use a covered Cat Litter Box, ensure that it is cleaned frequently and properly, as foul smells are easily trapped in covered boxes. So hooded Cat Litter Boxes though check odor from reaching your nose, are a big no, no with cats.
Fresh Marine, one of the best online shops for pet products, brings to you the right kind of Cat Litter Boxes and cat litters. Let us look at the Cat Litter Boxes and cat litter available at Fresh Marine.
LitterMaid Self Cleansing Litter Box LM500. As the name suggests, this Cat Litter Box does not require frequent cleaning and therefore it saves both, your time and sweat. Moreover, it is easy and quick to clean. You just have to take out the covered used Receptacle, put a new one in, and line it with cat litter.
LitterMaid Deluxe Automatic Cat Box LM900. This is an extra large Cat Litter Box, useful for households having big or more than one cat. This is self-cleaning and saves your time and effort. Even if you have to clean, the process is speedy yet simple. All you need to do is to remove the used Receptacle, replace it with a new one, and cover the base with cat litter.
LitterMaid Premium Clumping Cat Litter, 7-lb. This biodegradable, fine grained and low tracking cat litter makes an ideal pick for your litter box. This litter, manufactured from Whole Kernel Corn, has an advanced clumping quality, excellent odor control, is dust free, and does not have any perfumes for chemicals. It is extremely safe and the best choice for your cats.
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A Litter Box, often known as "Litter Tray" or "Litter Pan", is an indoor feces and urine disposal box for cats, dogs, rabbits, and the other pets that are allowed to roam freely at home but do not or cannot go out of the house at all times to relieve themselves. Such animals, with the help of their natural instincts and some toilet training, can be made to use Litter Box. One of the commonest series of the range is Cat Litter Box.
In the wild, cats usually excrete in soft mud or sand, and dig & use the same to bury their feces. To replicate such an environment, a Cat Litter Box is lined with the different kinds of materials known as Cat Litter. The Cat Litter helps in absorbing moisture from the cat feces & urine, thereby reducing foul odors. Cat Litter is usually a loose, grainy substance, which can clump well. These days, pellets made from Recycled Paper or Pine Shaving, and Silicon based crystals are also much in use. However, the good old clumping litter still makes the best cat litter as it absorbs both, feces and urine, well and is soft enough for a cat to dig in.
There are certain things, which you should keep in mind, while setting up a Cat Litter Box. The ensuing discussion takes them up.
Fresh Marine, one of the best online shops for pet products, brings to you the right kind of Cat Litter Boxes and cat litters. Let us look at the Cat Litter Boxes and cat litter available at Fresh Marine.
LitterMaid Self Cleansing Litter Box LM500. As the name suggests, this Cat Litter Box does not require frequent cleaning and therefore it saves both, your time and sweat. Moreover, it is easy and quick to clean. You just have to take out the covered used Receptacle, put a new one in, and line it with cat litter.
LitterMaid Deluxe Automatic Cat Box LM900. This is an extra large Cat Litter Box, useful for households having big or more than one cat. This is self-cleaning and saves your time and effort. Even if you have to clean, the process is speedy yet simple. All you need to do is to remove the used Receptacle, replace it with a new one, and cover the base with cat litter.
LitterMaid Premium Clumping Cat Litter, 7-lb. This biodegradable, fine grained and low tracking cat litter makes an ideal pick for your litter box. This litter, manufactured from Whole Kernel Corn, has an advanced clumping quality, excellent odor control, is dust free, and does not have any perfumes for chemicals. It is extremely safe and the best choice for your cats.
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