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One of the most popular pick among marine fishes due to their bright coloration, Butterflys belong to the Family Chaetodontidae. Fresh Marine offers several beautiful Butterflys in vibrant colors, to grace your aquarium. However, prior to delving into specific models, let us understand the following standards common to Butterflys.
Compatibility: Butterflys are semi-aggressive towards the other tank mates, while they are optimally stress free with peaceful inmates. Owing to their tendency to eat Anemones and Coral Polyps, Butterflys should be kept in Reef Tanks with caution and go the best in Fish Only Marine Aquariums.Habit & Habitat. Butterflys are Tropical Marine Fish, existing in Indian, Atlantic, & Pacific Oceans, and inhabit Reefs & Crevices in pairs or flocks. Butterflys are Diurnal in nature and hid at night with their body color altered. The Juveniles act as Cleaner Fish for other larger fish.
Morphology. Aptly according to their names, Butterflys are generally vibrantly hued in the shades of Black, White, Blue, Red, Orange, and Yellow with eyespots and dark bands around eyes. The laterally compressed body is well complemented by continuous Dorsal Fins, with Tail Fins being rounded or truncated. Butterflys have a protruding mouth with brush-like teeth within. Butterflys are hardy creatures, usually 12 to 22cms long, with maximum measurement reaching up to 30cms.
Ideal Marine Aquarium Environment. Butterflys are susceptible to infections and diseases, and therefore, the water quality should be quite high. Butterflys grow well in an established aquarium with a temperature range of 72-78°F; Specific Gravity of 1.020-1.025; and pH level of water within 8.1-8.4. Ensure that your tank has ample hiding places (Rocks & Caves) for Butterflys and is large enough to allow these active fish to swim freely.
Aquarium Feeding. Omnivorous Butterflys are sometimes called Corallivorous as they feed especially on Anemones (especially those of Genus Aiptasia) and Coral Polyps (especially Large Stony Coral Polyps) along with Feather Dusters, Bloodworms, and Fan worms. Therefore, better keep the Zooplankton feeding species of Butterflys rather than the ones consuming Anemones and Corals. Butterflys also sustain well in an aquarium with Live Rocks, which have ample Algal growth for consumption. They prefer to eat Crustaceans and vegetables, such as Asparagus, Broccoli, too. Ideally, Butterflys should be fed thrice a day.
Aquarium Breeding. Butterflys usually are egg-scatterer.
Care. Anybody from fresher to expert can easily maintain Butterflys. Introduce together, all the Butterflys you plan to keep so that they grow together and develop compatibility with each other, instead of usual aggression and territorial disposition.
Now let us cruise through the top sellers available at Fresh Marine. The discussion has been categorized according to Genus.
Genus Chaetodon. This Genus offers the widest range of best selling Butterflys.Auriga Butterfly Fish (Chaetodon auriga). Also known as Threadfin Butterfly fish, these beautiful Butterflys have a Trailing Filament, emerging from the posterior Dorsal Fin. Growing up to a maximum of 9; these Butterflys require a minimum of 80 Gallons of tank capacity.
Black Back Butterfly Fish (Chaetodon melannotus). Also known as Melannotus Black-Backed Butterfly fish, these Butterflys are finicky eaters and require expert handling. These fish growing up to 6, should be kept in a minimum of 60 Gallons capacity tank.
Dot Dash Butterfly Fish (Chaetodon pelewensis). Also known as Punctatofasciatus Spotbanded and Spot-Banded Butterfly fish, these Butterflies have a Yellow-Tan body with seven vertical dark bands on the anterior half of the body, with the rows of Dark Spots on the posterior half. Growing up to 5, these Butterflys require a minimum of 50 Gallons capacity.
Spot-Banded Butterfly Fish (Chaetodon punctatofasciatus). Also known as Dot Dash Butterfly, Spotbanded, Punctato Butterfly fish, and Spot-band Butterfly fish, these Butterflys have features similar to that of Chaetodon pelewensis.
Double Saddle Butterfly Fish (Chaetodon ulietensis). Also known as False Falcula and Pacific Double Saddleback Butterfly fish, these Butterflys have a Silver colored body marked with Black and a distinguishing two Saddle shaped patches. The posterior end and the Anal & Caudal Fins are all yellow. Growing up to 6, these Butterflys require a minimum of 75 Gallons capacity aquarium.
Red Sea Butterfly Fish (Chaetodon semilarvatus). Also known as Bluecheek Butterfly fish, Heniochus Bannerfish Butterfly, is White in color with Black colored stripes and a Yellow colored tail. The Dorsal Fin is elongated. Growing up to 9, these Butterflys require tank of minimum 80 Gallons capacity.
Lemon Butterfly Fish (Chaetodon miliaris). Also known as Milletseed Butterfly fish and Millet Butterfly fish, the Butterflys are Yellow in color with dark spots forming vertical stripes on the sides. Attaining a size of up to 6, these Butterflys require a tank of at least 75 Gallons capacity.
Orange Butterfly Fish (Chaetodon kleini). Also known as Brown Butterfly fish and Klein's Butterfly fish, these Orange colored Butterflys are not Reef safe as they readily eat Corals. The Orange body of these Butterflys is spotted with dark dots. Measuring 5, these Butterflys are kept in a tank with a minimum 50 Gallons capacity.
Pakistan Butterfly Fish (Chaetodon collare). Also known as Milletseed Pakistani, Red-Tail Collare Butterfly fish, and Redtail Butterfly fish, these Butterflys are Brown, Red, or Black in color with dotted scales all over. The Tail is conspicuous with a broad Red colored band, followed next by Black and White colored bands. Growing up to 6, these Butterflys require a tank of minimum 60 Gallons capacity.
Pearlscale Butterfly Fish (Chaetodon xanthurus). Also known as Yellow-Tail Butterfly fish, these Butterflys have pearl shine Scales, with body Silver colored and the Tail in Red, Orange, and Black. Growing up to 6, these Butterflys require a tank of minimum 60 Gallons capacity.
Raccoon Butterfly Fish (Chaetodon lunula). Also known as Masked Butterfly and Bandit Butterfly, these Butterflys are Yellow in color. Growing up to 8 long, these Butterflys require a tank of minimum 75 Gallons.
Saddle-Back Butterfly Fish (Chaetodon ephippium). Also known as Saddled Saddleback Butterfly fish and True Falcula Butterfly fish, these Butterflys grow up to 12-14 long and require a tank of minimum 75 Gallons capacity.
Tear Drop Butterfly Fish (Chaetodon unimaculatus). Also known as Teardrop Butterfly fish, these Butterflys have Yellow colored Dorsal, Anal, and Ventral fins with the rest of the body being White. Attaining a size of up to 5 long, these Butterflys require a minimum of 70 Gallons tank.
True Falcula Butterfly Fish (Chaetodon falcula). Also known as Saddleback, Saddle-Back Butterfly fish, and Sickle Butterfly fish, these Butterflys are usually White in color, turning Yellow on the dorsal side. Growing up to 8 long, these Butterflys require a minimum tank of 100 Gallons. These Butterflys are easy to breed in aquarium.
Vagabond Butterfly Fish (Chaetodon vagabundus). Also known as Indian Vagabond and Crisscross Butterfly fish, these Butterflys may get aggressive towards other Butterflys. These Butterflys have a White colored body with two sets of thin dark streaks set perpendicular to each other. Growing up to a maximum size of 8, these Butterflys require a minimum of 80 Gallons tank. They feed on Apples and Oranges as well.
Genus Heniochus.Black and White Heniochus Butterfly Fish (Heniochus acuminatus). Also known as, Long-Fin Butterfly, Schooling Bannerfish, and Moorish Idol, these Butterflys have broad, Black and White colored stripes with long streaming Dorsal Fins. Measuring 2.5-3.5, these Butterflys require a minimum of 55 Gallons capacity tank.
Brown Heniochus Butterfly Fish (Heniochus varius). Also known as Humphead and Phantom Bannerfish, these Butterflys grow up to a maximum of 8 and require a tank of minimum 70 Gallons capacity.
Genus Chelmon.Copperband Butterfly Fish (Chelmon rostratus). Also known as Copperband Butterfly fish, Beaked Coralfish, and Orange Stripe Butterfly, these Butterflys have an elongated, beak like nose and mouth, which they use to hunt for food in hidden areas. Yellow-Orange vertical bands with a black outline grace these Butterflys. Growing up to a maximum of 8, these fish require a tank of minimum 50 Gallons. These Butterflys require an experts handling.
Genus Forcipiger. Yellow Longnose Butterfly Fish (Forcipiger flavissimus). Also known as Forceps Butterfly fish and Long Nose Butterflies, these Butterflys have distinctly extended Snouts as compared to the other Butterflys. Striking Yellow in color, these Butterflys grow 7-9 long and require a tank of minimum 80 Gallons capacity.
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One of the most popular pick among marine fishes due to their bright coloration, Butterflys belong to the Family Chaetodontidae. Fresh Marine offers several beautiful Butterflys in vibrant colors, to grace your aquarium. However, prior to delving into specific models, let us understand the following standards common to Butterflys.
Compatibility: Butterflys are semi-aggressive towards the other tank mates, while they are optimally stress free with peaceful inmates. Owing to their tendency to eat Anemones and Coral Polyps, Butterflys should be kept in Reef Tanks with caution and go the best in Fish Only Marine Aquariums.
Genus Chaetodon. This Genus offers the widest range of best selling Butterflys.
Genus Heniochus.
Genus Chelmon.
Genus Forcipiger.
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