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Basslets are one of the most popular, reef compatible fish for Marine Aquariums, owing to its vibrant hues, small size, and easy care. Belonging to the Family Serranidae, Basslets add immense visual appeal to an aquarium. Fresh Marine, one of the best online markets for aquarium products, offers several interesting species of Basslets to grace your tank. However, prior to moving on to them, let us have an idea about the fundamental features of Basslets.
Compatibility: Basslets are generally compatible with the other tank mates though, they are moderately aggressive towards the members of their own species. Therefore, its better to keep one Basslet in a tank. Moreover, Basslets should not be kept with other aggressive or predatory species that may feed upon them, or the smallest of invertebrates such as, Copepods, Isopods, or Amphipods, these Basslets may feed upon. Basslets also actively protect their hiding areas by warding off the other tank mates, if any of these happen to come that side.Habit & Habitat. Basslets exist mostly near the Western Atlantic, and inhabit Coral Reefs.
Morphology. Basslets are hardy creatures, which are extremely beautiful due to their ornamental body and striking colors (generally Pink, Purple, Orange, & Yellow). Basslets can usually attain a size of maximum up to 2-5”. A Lateral Line either diverges into two sub segments, or is missing altogether. In addition, they have a sizeable Pectoral Fin with one Spine.
Ideal Marine Aquarium Environment. Basslets need an aquarium of minimum 30 Gallons capacity with moderate lighting. Basslets grow well in an aquarium with a temperature range of 72-78°F; Specific Gravity of 1.020-1.025; pH level of water within 8.1-8.4; and dKH 8-12. Ensure that your tank has ample hiding places (Rocks & Caves) for Basslets. Effective Filtration coupled with high quality of water is vital for Basslets.
Aquarium Feeding. Basslets are Carnivorous and feed upon Zooplankton and other small creatures. It requires high quality protein based foods, such as, Mysis Shrimp, Brine Shrimp, Krill, Marine Fish, and Crustacean to name some. Feeding them at least twice a day siginificantly benefits them.
Care. Basslet is easy to maintain. It is important to note that these fish are usually aggressive towards each other. Therefore, try increasing their number only if you have an aquarium of over 100 Gallons capacity and keep peaceful Basslets varieties in it.
Let us now look at some of the best selling Basslets options available at Fresh Marine.Swissguard Basslet (Liopropoma rubre). Also known as Peppermint Basslet or Pacific Candy Basslet, these Basslets are Red in color with horizontal Black and Mustard-Yellow colored stripes marking the body. The Dorsal and Caudal Fins are rimmed in Pale Blue and tipped in Black.
Black Cap Basslet (Gramma melacara). Also known as Blackcap Gramma, these Basslets have a Purple colored body and a Black Cap.
Royal Gramma Basslet (Gramma loreto). Also known as, Fairy Basslet, the anterior half of its body and head are striking Purple, while the back is bright Yellow. These easy to maintain Basslets are ideal for beginner aquarists.
Chalk Basslet (Serranus tortugarum). A beautiful species, light purple in color with bright blue or orange saddle bands along its back, these Basslets are peaceful and you can keep them in a small group.
Golden Basslet (Assessor flavissimus). Also known as Yellow Assessor Basslet, these Basslets are quite peaceful and prefer dim light with no large fish in the aquarium. These Basslets are Yellow in color with Red color bordering the Fins. Feed these fish twice a day.
Harlequin Basslet (Serranus tigrinus). These Basslets are very sturdy, quite active, and colorful. The fish has marbled body and Yellow shadow from the nose towards the lower side of the body.
McNeill’s Basslet (Assessor macneilli). Also, know as Blue Assessor Basslet, these Basslets are best kept in an aquarium without any large fish. Feed these Basslets twice a day.
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Basslets are one of the most popular, reef compatible fish for Marine Aquariums, owing to its vibrant hues, small size, and easy care. Belonging to the Family Serranidae, Basslets add immense visual appeal to an aquarium. Fresh Marine, one of the best online markets for aquarium products, offers several interesting species of Basslets to grace your tank. However, prior to moving on to them, let us have an idea about the fundamental features of Basslets.
Compatibility: Basslets are generally compatible with the other tank mates though, they are moderately aggressive towards the members of their own species. Therefore, its better to keep one Basslet in a tank. Moreover, Basslets should not be kept with other aggressive or predatory species that may feed upon them, or the smallest of invertebrates such as, Copepods, Isopods, or Amphipods, these Basslets may feed upon. Basslets also actively protect their hiding areas by warding off the other tank mates, if any of these happen to come that side.
Let us now look at some of the best selling Basslets options available at Fresh Marine.
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